by stbadmin | Aug 26, 2018 | Без рубрики
Today, on August 25-th 2018 our parish has received the relics of Saint John Maximovich! We have been waiting for this event to happen for many years…. From now on we will have his holy relics remain in our church all the time. Glory be to God! O Holy Hierarch John...
by stbadmin | Apr 5, 2018 | Без рубрики
The Hours and Confessions start at 9:30 am on Sunday. There is lunch after the Liturgy.
by stbadmin | Apr 5, 2018 | Без рубрики
Saturday 7:00 Pm – Matins On the Eve of Liturgy – Vigil Service is held. If you want to receive Holy Communion during Liturgy – you must attend the Vigil, as well.
by stbadmin | Jan 23, 2018 | Без рубрики
People of the parish needed spiritual leadership in order to organize parish life better and straighten it by the Holy Sacraments and Liturgical Services on a regular basis. During last year the Sisterhood of the parish was formed, consisting of the devote members,...