St Barbara Russian Orthodox Church
About Us
Saint Barbara Church was founded in 2006 by the blessing of His Eminence, Kyrill, Archbishop of San Francisco & Western America, Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. Being established six years ago, the parish did not have a permanent priest and regular Sunday Liturgies until 2011.
In July 2011, His Eminence, Archbishop Kyrill, of San Francisco & Western America, blessed Archpriest George Gulin who lived at that time in Sacramento to arrive at Orange County, to lead and strengthen the efforts of many “myrrh-bearers”, the true hard-workers on the “field of the Lord” at St. Barbara’s Mission.
People of the parish needed spiritual leadership in order to organize parish life better and straighten it by the Holy Sacraments and Liturgical Services on a regular basis. During last year the Sisterhood of the parish was formed, consisting of the devote members, who regularly take care of the Church, cleaning and beautifying it with fresh flowers; sewing sets of vestments, printing monthly church bulletin, etc.
Our liturgical language on Sunday is Church Slavonic, but we include some English in our services, as well. On Saturday, the Liturgy is entirely in English.
The atmosphere of the parish is very friendly, charmingly open, truly sincere, simple, full of love and respect to one another. Many visitors repeat saying this, witnessing their adoration by such lovely atmosphere in the parish. Come and visit us on Sundays, to listen to our beautiful Choir!
With God’s help, our parish successfully carries its spiritual mission. But we need even more active co-workers in Christ with the goal of raising up of our church building. Please join us in our efforts! Help our Mission to grow, to buy land and build a church facility! St. Barbara Parish receives no Diocesan aid but operates entirely on donations of quite a small number of parishioners. Therefore, we need your additional help to build traditional Russian-style Church here in Orange County. If you wish to help us, please send a check to the parish address, or donate through PayPal.
Shrines of our Parish
By the mercy of God, by the prayers of Saints, we have been blessed by the particles of relics of the following Saints:
- St. Great Martyr Barbara,
- St. Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon,
- St. Hierarch Luke of Crimea,
- Blessed Mother Matrena of Moscow,
- Parents of St Sergius – St. Kyrill and Maria,
- Several Venerated Fathers of the Kiev Caves,
- Saint John Maximovich.
All relics are installed in the icons and available for your worship.
Through the prayers of the Saints, o Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on us, and bless us!
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